L’almanacco del 9 novembre 2018

Redazione Infocilento
BERLIN, GERMANY: (FILES) West Berliners crowd in front of the Berlin Wall early 11 November 1989 as they watch East German border guards demolishing a section of the wall in order to open a new crossing point between East and West Berlin, near the Potsdamer Square. The day before, Gunter Schabowski, the East Berlin Communist party boss, declared that starting from midnight, East Germans would be free to leave the country, without permission, at any point along the border, including the crossing-points through the Wall in Berlin. Germany will celebrate 09 November 2004 the 15th anniversary of the wall's fall. AFP PHOTO FILES/GERARD MALIE (Photo credit should read GERARD MALIE/AFP/Getty Images)

Santi del Giorno
Dedicazione della Basilica Lateranense
Sant’Oreste di Tiana in Cappadocia (Martire)
Sant’Ursino (Orsino) di Bourges (Vescovo)
Sant’Agrippino di Napoli (Vescovo)
San Teodoro di Amasea (Martire)

Accadde Oggi

1989 – Cade il Muro di Berlino
2004 – Mozilla lancia il browser Firefox

Nati in questo giorno

1925 – Giuseppe Panini
1963 – Biagio Antonacci

Nati… sportivi

1974 – Alessandro Del Piero

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